5 Things I Wish I Knew Then, That I Know Now.
It’s fair to say that over the last decade or so, I have tried almost every method to get into shape. I’ve tried most of the diets out there. I’ve exercised excessively. I’ve undereaten. I’ve tried stupid gadgets to get abs, I’ve done the waist trainer thing (I don’t recommend at all!) and I had a bad relationship with food. For years, I tried taking the easy route. From diet pills, to skinny shakes, to pounding it out on a treadmill or doing cardio for hours trying to burn off calories, to skipping carbs, to restricting my calories and the list goes on.
After years of making bad choices, I’m finally at a point in my life where I feel happy, healthy and empowered living a balanced lifestyle, and I want you to feel the same. I thought it might be helpful to share a few workout and fat loss myths and lessons I learned along the way, so you can avoid making the same mistakes.
“Carbs make you fat.”
This is probably the top most annoying myth out there. Carbs do not make you fat. Protein does not make you fat. Fat does not make you fat. Eating too much makes you fat. Simple as that. There is no need to avoid entire food groups (fats, carbs or proteins) in order to lose fat.
A healthier, more realistic and more sustainable method, is to focus on energy balance. Pay attention to what and how much you consume, and how much you burn off. Eating some bread isn’t going to make you fat. However, eating more bread in a day than you actually burn off, will add up over time and result in a weight gain. The same goes for any food group.
If you want to burn more fat, focus on increasing your daily movements (NEAT – non exercise activity thermogenesis.) The calories burned from exercise form just a small percentage of the total calories we actually burn in a day. Consider walking versus driving, taking stairs versus the lift, housework, cleaning your car, going for a walk etc. These activities will all help to burn calories, and help you lose weight, without needing to skip carbs at all! See my recent blog ‘Let’s talk about the C-word’ for more information on why carbs are not the devil!
Remember, carbs don’t make you fat. Eating too much makes you fat!
“Lifting weights makes women ‘bulky’ or ‘manly.’”
Many women are afraid that if they lift heavy weights, they will look ‘bulky.’ This is not true. It is a complete myth. It takes a hell of a lot of work, consistently to gain any muscle at all! Also, us females don’t build muscle in the same way as males, because our testosterone levels are not as high.
Ladies if you’re trying to lose body fat, then start lifting weights! And don’t be afraid to lift heavy. Lifting heavy will lead to weight loss. I promise you! Lifting weights speeds up your metabolism and helps you build lean muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn. Lifting weights also elevates your heart rate, which actually means you will burn more calories when exercising! So, as long as you are not overeating (calorie surplus – consuming more than you burn off) you will not get bulky. You will actually lose weight!
Remember, lifting weights does not make women bulky. It actually helps you to lose fat!
“To get into shape, just do more cardio.”
I use to be cardio obsessed. I’d be the first in the gym as soon as the doors opened, and I’d miserably try to burn as many calories as I could on the treadmill or cross trainer. It was an utter chore. I became obsessive. The more calories I burned, the more I felt I needed to burn the next time. It was never-ending. And if I missed a session, I’d feel such guilt the entire day, feeling I’d un-do all my efforts, and would therefore need to ‘catch-up’ and do even more cardio! I looked thinner, but I was unhappy. I was shapeless and didn’t feel strong.
Yes, cardio burns calories. But resistance training (weights) will help you burn fat and keep it off. Yes, there are lots of health benefits to cardio, including increasing heart health, but it should and does not need to be the only method. So, if you’re someone who is currently hitting the cardio hard, and not seeing results or shape, break the cycle! Pick up some dumbbells and focus on being strong. Build muscle. Muscle burns fat. For those runners or cyclists out there, who are currently avoiding lifting weights for fear of getting ‘too bulky’, know that you will actually improve your performance, and help your body perform for longer (endurance) and way more efficiently.
Remember, cardio burns calories. But resistance training will help you burn fat and keep it off!
“To lose weight, I just need to eat as little as possible.”
No! This is NOT true!
Food is there to be enjoyed! It is fuel for our muscles. If you under fuel, you’ll under perform. We need it to stay alive and to move around. Think about driving a car. If you don’t put fuel in the car, it’s not going to run. The same applies to humans and food. There is no need to starve yourself in order to reach your weight loss goals. This is unnecessary and unhealthy.
To lose weight, you need to be in a calorie deficit. This means, burning more, or eating a little less. You do not need to starve yourself to lose weight though. We weren’t put on this earth just to eat salads, or tiny hamster like portions! That is a miserable existence. And unnecessary.
I coach my clients on the benefits of eating intuitively with everything in moderation. The goal should be to be able to consume as many calories as you can whilst remaining in a deficit daily. So, if you are someone who is currently eating just salads, or trying to eat as little as possible, please know that this is unnecessary and that you can eat more AND lose weight!
If you are interested to understand your current daily calorie intake, and how you can set new calorie goals involving eat more and still being able to reach a weight loss goal, get in touch with me. I’d love to help you.
Remember, to lose weight you do NOT need to eat as little as possible!
“Doing lots of sit-ups will give me abs.”
I’ve been there! For years I thought if I did more crunches daily, I’d get a ‘six pack’ or solid chiselled abs you could grate cheese on! I’m here to tell you, that this is a waste of time. To lose belly fat, you need to be in a calorie deficit. This means burning more than you consume. This will help you lose weight overall. Which eventually, with consistency and a clean diet, will help you uncover those abs!
One thing to note here, which I tell new clients all the time when they ask me to help them lose belly fat, is that you cannot spot reduce fat. The body doesn’t work like that! You can’t say ‘I want to lose fat from here (insert body part!) and then it magically falls off. If only! So, don’t waste your time doing thousands of sit-ups like I use to. Instead focus on training well, lifting weights and keeping your nutrition balanced. Consistently!
Remember, doing lots of sit-ups will not give you abs! Lifting weights, eating clean and being consistent will!
Do you have fitness myths you’d like me to bust?! Are you currently exercising and not seeing results? Or tired of falling for the latest fad diet? I want to help you. Feel free to drop me a note on my website and I’ll be in touch. Let’s get you looking and feeling your best in 2021!
Fatimah x