It’s the little things.

I recently read a book called Atomic Habits, written by James Clear which I highly recommend. It changed my mindset and perspective on my life.

The author talks about how the little things you do every day add up, and that it’s not about trying to make a huge transformation all at once to achieve your goals. He mentions the importance of building small habits daily to achieve results.

I couldn’t agree more.

I coach my clients on this regularly. Starting a fitness and health journey can feel like a gigantic task, and can often feel overwhelming. You might think to yourself that there’s no point in even starting because it will involve a huge overhaul of your lifestyle, and so you don’t begin.

This isn’t the case at all.

To achieve your goals, you need to make small changes daily, and do them repeatedly. These small daily habits add up to the transformation you’re looking for. You may find yourself thinking, ‘when am I actually going to see results?’ ‘I trained 3 times a week for a month and I’m still out of shape, what’s the point?’

If you stick to these habits daily, that’s where the change lies.

Just because you ate a salad today doesn’t mean you’re going to be in shape tomorrow. Just because you trained 3 times last week doesn’t mean you’re going to lose weight.

It doesn’t work like that.

To experience change and achieve results, you have to stick to these small daily habits, and do them repeatedly.

For example, I tell my clients to walk for 20-30 minutes every single day. You may think this is pointless, and wonder how 20 minutes of walking is going to make a ‘real’ difference. Well, it is. Done repeatedly, you’re going to increase your energy expenditure, meaning you burn more calories, resulting in weight loss. One walk won’t equal weight loss. Two walks won’t equal weight loss. Three walks still won’t equal weight loss. The sum of these walks will.

The same applies to getting stronger. Just because you lifted some weights doesn’t mean you’ll get strong and lean. The change happens over time and as a result of the small changes adding up to a big outcome.

So, whether you’re considering starting a new fitness journey, or already on one, know that the small things you do, do actually add up. And if you stick with them consistently, you’ll achieve results.

Be patient. The little things do add up!




Online coaching to support your fitness journey


Managing diabetes from a nutrition and fitness perspective