My 7 top tips to abs

A common fitness question I get asked every January is 'how can I lose belly fat?' Or 'how do you get abs?' After a few weeks of over indulging, it's very normal to feel a little bloated or to have gained weight. 

My advice is always the same.

Not to get caught up on short-term tactics such as crash diets and expect long-term results. I also remind people that aesthetics alone should not be the goal. Having abs doesn't mean you're healthy. Having a ripped 6-pack doesn't mean you're strong. Instead, focus on building a strong body overall, and develop healthy long-lasting habits to support your long-term health and happiness. The aesthetics are simply a bonus that come with consistency.

If you want to read a little more on how to build a strong core and uncover your abs, here’s 7 of my top tips:

1. Lift heavy weights. And I'm not talking about a few sets of bicep curls here and there. I'm talking about weight training with compound movements (full body lifts or exercises such as squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts, lunges etc) ×2-4 times a week.

2. Eat your food. I'm not talking about just salads with spinach as a snack. That's rabbit food. Eat a balanced diet with protein, fats and plenty of carbs. Yes. Lots of them to fuel the weight training. Most people try skipping meals to lose weight. Or think carbs are the devil so they avoid them. It's completely unnecessary. Fuel your muscles. Watch how strong and lean you become when you exercise and eat a balanced diet!

3. Show up to your training sessions. Stop making excuses. Stop putting off what you know you should be doing. Put in consistent work without fail. Inconsistency = zero results. Lift weights. Move your body. Apply resistance to muscles. Stretch often.

4. Walk more daily. To uncover abs, you have to burn body fat. To do this, it's important to create a small calorie deficit each day. This means increasing the amount of energy your body burns. Walking helps to increase your energy expenditure. So, get up when you can. Move around. Go for brisk walks on your breaks. You'll burn calories and get fitter at the same time.

5. Drink plenty of water. 2-3 litres daily depending on activity levels. It'll help to reduce water retention from salty foods and keep your digestive system healthy and regular. If you're someone who bloats easily, sipping small amounts regularly throughout the day will make have a positive impact.

6. Avoid doing lots of pointless ab exercises like crunches. These are unnecessary. Instead, focus on holding full body core movements such as planks, push ups, dead-bugs, V-sits and leg raises. These develop strong inner core muscles which is key for a strong body. Including classes such as Yoga or Pilates would be a smart addition to your training programme.

7. Follow a structured fitness programme. Inconsistent, random & sporadic workouts won't do the job. The body requires regular resistance in order to make a change. Follow a training programme for the best full body results.

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