You won’t always be in the mood…

You won’t always be in the mood….

 The point is to do it anyway.

 “How do you stay motivated Fatz”

I don’t.

How will I stay motivated?”

You won’t.

“How can I get motivated all the time?”

You can’t.

If you wait around until the magical unrealistic feeling of ‘forever motivation’ arrives, you’ll never start. You won’t always be motivated. It is a fact. You can’t always stay motivated. It’s not possible.

The point is to do it anyway.

Why? Because consistency is more important. Consistency is the magic behind why many people achieve their fitness goals and the reason many don’t. Learn to be discliplined.

It is not realistic to think, want or expect to always be motivated. It’s just not possible. You may have goals you’re really focused on. You may go into it thinking ‘this is the right time, I’m ready to start’. However, you’ll have days when the thought of exercising or following your training program will just not be what you’re in the mood for.

And that’s ok. You’re human. It’s normal. It’s part of the process. You won’t always be motivated. Expect it. Accept it. Embrace it. You’re more likely to stay on track if you prepare yourself for this.

Motivation is not a permanent feeling or mindset. If you just throw in the towel and say ‘forget it, I give up…’ or ‘I can’t be bothered, who cares?!’ then you’ll be right back where you started. Which will likely demotivate you even more!

Fitness is a slow process. Don’t slow it down even more by quitting. Stay consistent. That’s where the true results lie. Learn to be disciplined. That’s the key to achieving your goals.

Your daily habits will determine how fast or slow your fitness journey will be. It’s OK to take a break. Staying consistent doesn’t mean doing it every single day. It’s also not likely that it’ll be every week. It’s normal to have to prioritise other things (personal or professional) over your training sometimes. Do what you need to do. Then get back to it as soon as you can.

Let me share a personal thought….

I’m not always motivated to train. I don’t wake up always wanting to exercise. Sometimes I can’t be bothered at all. Especially as the seasons start to change here in London. Getting dressed to go to the gym can feel like a chore. Travelling to a gym or studio can be enough of a reason for me to want to not go at all. However, I know the importance of consistency. I know how far I’ve come to ever go back. I know I’ll feel so much better afterwards. So, I do it anyway. If you can’t exercise, go for a walk. Some movement is better than no movement. Especially if your motivation levels are running low.

Staying consistent is the only way to keep progressing. Whether you feel like it or not. You have to put in work even when you don’t feel like it.

Remember, you won’t always be in the mood.

The point is to do it anyway.




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